Clean Dubai campaign: Litter cops on the prowl - Trending and Viral Stuff

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Clean Dubai campaign: Litter cops on the prowl

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DUBAI: Mindless litterbugs, gum-chewers and smokers beware. Dubai authorities have unleashed an 869-member legion of litter swatters to curb spitting, littering and throwing of cigarette butts anywhere, XPRESS has learnt.

The litter inspectors are armed with receipts and legal authority to note down car plate or labour card numbers of people caught on the spot, a senior official said. Abdul Majeed Saifaie, Director of Waste Management Department (WMD) at the Dubai Municipality, said the number of litter officers has gone up. "Most residents here are civilised and educated, but there are some who don't care. A fine is just a tool to control uncivilised behaviour. It makes people think twice before they do it," he said.

The Dh500 fine for people caught chewing and spitting paan juice (betel nut — popular among South Asians) has been raised to Dh1,000. "It's not about recovering [cleaning] costs from fines; it's about making people aware of the consequences of their actions."

Under the swat-a-litterbug drive administered by Saifaie's department, smokers are encouraged to dispose of cigarette butts in trash bins which contain ashtrays.

By the law

Local Decree No 11 of 2003 (Public Health and Community Safety in the Emirate of Dubai)

Chapter 10, Article (59): It is prohibited to throw, deposit, drain, release or discharge any waste material in public places or dispose of it in places other than those designated for such purposes or in any manner other than those approved by the competent department. In particular, the following are prohibited:

1 Throwing out of any waste from vehicles on public roads.

2 Dropping of any solid or liquid materials from vehicles on public roads and to carry or transport dispersible materials in open vehicle without cover.

3 Urinating or defecating in places other than those designated for such purposes, and spitting in public places.

Article (66): It is prohibited for any person to import, deal with, possess, carry or take ‘paan' into the emirate whether for personal use or for other purposes, with or free of charge. This prohibition also applies to the leaves, betel nut and other condiments, which are used in the preparation of ‘paan'.

Article (86): Without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided by any other legislation, any person who violates any provision of this order, its executive regulation, and subsequent resolutions or directives issued under this order, shall be charged a fine of not less than Dh100 and not more than Dh500,000. This penalty may be doubled on repeating the violation within one year from the date of committing the same violation, provided that the amount of penalty does not exceed the maximum amount stipulated in this order.

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